Can I Take an Extra Lisinopril If My Blood Pressure Is High?

Can I Take an Extra Lisinopril If My Blood Pressure Is High?

Lisinopril is a commonly prescribed medication used to treat high blood pressure. It works by relaxing blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily and helping to lower blood pressure. However, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully when taking lisinopril.

What to Do If Your Blood Pressure Is High?

If you have been prescribed lisinopril and your blood pressure is high, it may be tempting to take an extra dose of the medication to bring it down. However, this is not recommended. Taking more than the prescribed amount of lisinopril can lead to serious side effects and may not effectively lower your blood pressure.

If you are experiencing high blood pressure, here are some steps you can take:

  • Check your blood pressure regularly and keep track of readings.
  • Follow a healthy diet low in sodium and saturated fats.
  • Engage in regular physical activity.
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
  • Take your prescribed medication as directed by your healthcare provider.

When to Seek Medical Help?

If you are consistently experiencing high blood pressure despite following a healthy lifestyle and taking your medication as prescribed, it is important to speak buy lisinopril with your healthcare provider. They may need to adjust your dosage of lisinopril or recommend additional treatments to help manage your blood pressure.


Q: Can I take an extra lisinopril if my blood pressure is high?

A: It is not recommended to take an extra dose of lisinopril without consulting your healthcare provider. Taking too much of the medication can lead to serious side effects.

Q: How quickly does lisinopril lower blood pressure?

A: Lisinopril typically starts to lower blood pressure within a few hours of taking the first dose, with maximum effects seen within 2-4 weeks of starting treatment.

Overall, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully when taking lisinopril and to seek medical advice if you are experiencing high blood pressure that is not adequately controlled. Remember to prioritize a healthy lifestyle and work closely with your healthcare provider to manage your blood pressure effectively.

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